
How to get involved in ‘Clap for our Carers’

Written by Alice Skeats

Tonight from 8pm all across the UK, people will take to their windows, front doors, gardens and balconies for a second national round of applause to thank all those amazing people looking out for us during the coronavirus outbreak.

We’d like to encourage all our amazing neighbours to get involved and ‘Clap for our Carers‘ from 8pm on Thursday 2nd April to show our appreciation for all that they are doing.

This is the second round of applause, so let’s make it bigger and better than before! For the healthcare workers, emergency services, armed services, delivery drivers, shop workers, teachers, waste collectors, manufacturers, postal workers, cleaners, vets, engineers and all those who are out there making an unbelievable difference to our lives in these challenging times… bravo, you are all amazing!

If you’ve been inspired and want to help out your community more during the coronavirus pandemic why not raise a digital hand and let your neighbours know you’re available with our Help Map.

Our new Help Map is an interactive map of your neighbourhood, where you can mark yourself as someone who is available to help out and support a neighbour in need. We were inspired by the overwhelming number of neighbours all across the UK raising their hands to offer help and so we designed and launched our Help Map. Nextdoor members can add themselves to the map detailing the errands or support they can provide to elderly and vulnerable neighbours or those at risk. The map then lets you see your neighbourhood and the people available to help.

For the most current advice on Coronavirus visit the NHS Website.

For more on Clap for Our Carers visit their website here.

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