
‘The Big Lunch – enjoy good food and chat with your neighbours’

Written by Patrick Grier

On the first weekend in June millions of people across the UK will get together in their streets, gardens and neighbourhoods to eat, chat and make friends with The Big Lunch.  

We’ve teamed up with The Big Lunch for the third year running, to make organising your event as simple as possible.

It’s an inclusive weekend of fun that anyone, anywhere can join in with. A chance to sit down and eat lunch with the people we live alongside but rarely have the time to talk to.

Anyone can take part, and it doesn’t have to be ‘BIG’ either. Whether it’s five people having brunch or 50 people having a BBQ, it’s the getting together which is the important bit.

What’s even better is that being part of your neighbourhood on Nextdoor will make it super easy for you to get the word out, find your venue or even work out what dish everyone will bring. The possibilities are endless!

Joanne Boal, is a Nextdoor member and Lead in Belfast who used Nextdoor last year to organise a Big Lunch for her local community and is looking forward to hosting again this year.

“This is our second year running the Big Lunch in East Belfast and we’re so excited to get everyone together again” she told us.

“The turn out last year was fantastic – people from all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities joined in to celebrate our community. Local businesses were also on hand to help with the catering. One of my favourite aspects about the Big Lunch is it helps to bring different ages ranges together, from toddlers to pensioners, everyone joins in and has a great time with one another.

“One neighbour recently told me that ‘Nextdoor has made it easier to help each other out during difficult times, in practical day to day ways. People are more willing to give and get help’.”

“This year we’ve organised a kids zone, ‘living’ nature table and even a life-sized chess board. I’m just hoping that we don’t have typical Belfast weather…”

So why not find out whether anyone in your neighbourhood is planning a Big Lunch and if not, why not suggest you host one together?

You can use Nextdoor to promote your Big Lunch if it is already planned or if you are about to get stuck in, why not reach out to find volunteers, organise where you can host it or co-ordinate what food to bring?

Want to find out more?  

Order your FREE Big Lunch pack and find lots of ideas, tips and inspiration as well as a recipe or two at

The Big Lunch is an idea from the Eden Project, made possible by the National Lottery, and working with partners like Nextdoor.

Find out how to host a Big Lunch on Nextdoor here. There’s never been a better time to meet your neighbours!

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