Local business

3 ways to leverage hashtags and @mentions on Nextdoor to increase your visibility as a business

Advertise your local business with Nextdoor UK
Written by Roisin O'Neill

If you have a neighbour account, you may have noticed some updates to the posting which includes new features such as the ability to add hashtags and @mentions in your posts. While these features are not currently accessible from your Business Page, they do offer benefits for your business. Here’s how you can leverage them to attract more traffic to your business page and engage with your customers: 

#1 Make sure your Business Page is up to date

Neighbours on Nextdoor now have the ability to @ mention a business in their posts. When your business is mentioned you’ll receive a notification via email and from there, you’ll be able to join the conversation. 

When a neighbour @mentions your business, a preview popup that includes your business name, business information, profile photo, and recommendation count will appear.  

Make sure these details are up to date on your Business Page, including a high-quality photo or logo, so neighbours have the correct information about your business when the preview popup appears. 

#2 Create a hashtag for a campaign or competition

Hashtags can be a single word or several words strung together that are preceded with the hashtag (#) symbol. When neighbours add hashtags like #supportsmallbusinesses to their posts, other neighbours will be able to click through the hashtag to see all other posts that include the same hashtag. 

Using a branded hashtag is another opportunity to gain exposure and increase engagement with your customer, and you can do that by creating campaign-specific hashtags such as #ChristmasAtTheCoffeeHouse.  You could even encourage your customers to post about your business, upload images and share their experience using a hashtag. For example, why not ask them to share their favourite photo of your business using a hashtag such as #CoffeeHousePhotoChallenge. 

To view all posts using a specific hashtag follow these simple steps: 

1 – Switch to your neighbour account

2 – If your branded hashtag is #TheCoffeeHouse,  go to nextdoor.co.uk/hashtag/TheCoffeeHouse or search for it on the search bar to see all posts that have your hashtag. 

You can also look up general hashtags related to your business. For example, if you’re a plumber, you can look up https://nextdoor.co.uk/hashtag/plumbers to get a curated feed of all plumber related content, including questions and recommendations for plumbers in local neighbourhoods.  

#3 Be an active part of the conversation

When neighbours choose to @mention your business in a post, chances are they are showing their support for your goods and services. When you’re @ mentioned,  make sure you become an active part of the conversation. Respond to their post and any additional comments or questions that may come up. Staying engaged in the conversation shows potential customers and clients that you not only care but that you value customer service. This helps build trust and credibility around your businesses, making you more attractive to neighbours. 

Don’t have a business page yet? Click here to claim your free page now.

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